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“I understand why you would makethat mistake.” He would later make one of the more salient comments ofthe night, saying, “If you really want to get people to change, you’vegot to make it in their self interest to do so.” His point: You can’tconvince people to be green by warning them that something bad willhappen to the planet in 2050. But replica Breitling A2432212-B7-426Men's watch show them that cleaning up the airwill make their children healthier now and they’ll act fast. The awards presentations themselves were mostly smooth (the otherwisecharming Josh Lucas badly mispronounced Albanese Organization, winnerof the Green Building Design Award… but hey, would you know how to sayit right?). The winners were all pleasantly humble and none wentOscar-long with their acceptance speeches, though some let videopresentations do most of the talking for them.

