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And, contra-stereotype, there are actually some families with little kids that have this breed at home. Chihuahuas can be possessive of its owner, and anyone in the vicinity just gets snapped at, which is why it's often not advised for families with kids and other pets to have Chihuahuas.Small children tend to treat dogs like stuffed toys, pulling their ears and tails, hugging them tightly, and such. A Chihuahua can get fractures when dropped from a height, so it's not likely they'll be okay running down a flight of stairs, or jumping down from a table.Although Chihuahuas are a favorite breed for entry into dog shows, some people do choose them as companion pets, despite the show dog potential.

When you adopt Chihuahua puppies, you need to be financially and emotionally prepared to devote a lot of time to their care and training. They need to eat only good food, and be trained to potty regularly (because they tend to do so frequently), and be taught to avoid barking endlessly at other pets, kids, and strangers (a bark collar for small dogs can take care of this)."Whether you prefer to do it on a sidewalk, through a park, along a beach, or up and down hills, if you like dog walking San Francisco has it all. It's a wonderland, and not just for people.Spend a few hours making the trek through Golden Gate Park toward the Pacific Ocean. It's three miles across, in a park so green and lush with paths shooting off the main road.

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